Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Nükleer Tekniğinin Maden Kaynaklarının Prospeksiyon ve İnkişafına Tatbiki

Abstract: Nuclear techniques have been successfully utilized until recent times in Geiger ,and Scintillometers used in research for radioactive minerals ,and in also Neutron Gamma Logging method applied to the evaluation of oildeposits. In recent years, studies on appilying nuclear techniques to every kindof mineral researchs have been intensified in many countries ,and new apparatusare developped. Many new methods are established in prospecting, ressearchfor ,and development of mineral deposits in chemical analysis, in are treatment ,and in research for oil and development. This article includes the methodswhich are used successfully ,and produced good results ,and also those apparatusboth portable ,and stationary.