Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Cambrian - Tertiary Rocks of The Tufanbeyli Region, Eastern Taurus, Turkey

Abstract: The area is situated around Tufanbeyli (Mağara) 140 km, north öfAdana at the eastern part of Taurus orogenic belt. In this area the rock-stratigraphyunits are named on the formation rank and they are represented from Cambrianto Tertiary. In some localities, apart from the Soğanlı dağı formation, the rock unitsare represented without interruption in their normal stratigraphie position. TheSoğanlı dağı formation is made of Jurassic limestone and other rock types beleivédto have been developed in a different environment, it overlies the Upper CretaceousYaniktepe limestone with a fault contact. In some parts of the field In betweenthe unconformities there are some missing units, this may be explained bypre-unconformity erosion. The unconformities can be classified as disconformityand low angle unconformity. Units in Cambrian-Lutetian period are monotonouslyfolded and faulted suggesting a single orogenic phase. But oscillatory movementswere effective throughout the period. It is thought that the area was subjectedto thrusts and to folding after Lutetian. The fold axes and faults are orientedto NE-SW and thrusts were operating from SE towards NW. As Oligocène andMiocene have not been recorded, the tectonic history of the area can not beestablished after Lutetian. The area is thought to have been developed undershallow» warm, littoral-sublittoral conditions where oscillatory movements wereeffective and show unstable shelf character. No magmatic activity has beenrecorded until the end of Lutetian. With all these characters the area reflects a^miogeosynclinal nature.