Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Petrology of Leucogranites From the Northern Part of Yozgat Batholith

Abstract: Yozgat Batholith is exposed to the northernpart ofCentralAnatolia and represents the biggestfelsicplutonic body ofCentral Anatolian Crystalline Complex. The research area represents mainly by graniticandgabbroic rock units. The granitic rocks arepinkish in color and comprise the mainpartofthe area, whichare further differentiated in 3 subunits. These are, coarse crystalline biotite muscovite granite, finecrystalline biotite muscovite granite andfine crystalline muscovite granite with coarse quartz grains. Allthese subunits have transitional contactwith each other anddo not have any mafic microgranularenclaves.Microscopic studiesreveal that all the subunits ofthe granitic rocks are mainly compose ofquartz, Kfeldspar, mica andgarnetmineralswith differentproportions. Whole rock geochemistry reveals that granitic rock units are subalkaline magmatic rocks and arecalcalkaline in nature. Tectonic discrimination diagramsfor the granite rocks suggest that the granite ofnorthern part of Yozgat Batholith are within the syn-collision granite and ORG-normalized elementalpatternsfor all the subunits ofthe granite have similarpatterns which are characterized by enrichmentin LILwith respect to HFS elements.