Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Description and Stratigraphical Distribution of the Some Species of the Genera Nummulites, Assilina and Alveolina from the Ilerdian, Cuisian and Lutetian of Haymana Region (S Ankara).

Abstract: Systematic description and stratigraphical distributions of the species of Nmıımulites, Assilina and Alveoliııa have been studied in the Upper Paleocene (Ilerdian), Lower Eocene (CUisian) and Middle Eocene (Lutetian) sediments of the region between Çayraz and Yeşilyurt village, all situated in the north of Haymana (south of Ankara), inthe otherhand the stratigraphy of the region is given shortly,The rock units of Upper Cretaceous (Maestrichtian), Paleogene and Neogene ages crop out in the region. Maestrichtian sequence is composed of alternatlng sandstone, marl, congtomerate and sandy llmestone. The upper part of the Maestrichtian sequence contalns abundant foraminifera, species, such as Orbitoides mediu-s (d`Archiac), Siderolites calcitrapoides Lamarck, Ouvillierina Bözerii Sirel, in large amount. Lower Paleocene (Monttan) sequence overlies comformablythe Maestrichtlan, and it is composed of an alternating of alga! limestones and marı. The algal limestones contaln speclcsof the foraminifera such as Laf/itteina bibensiB Marle and Ouvillieri.ııa n.sp. Middle Paleocene (Thanetian) sedlmeotsoverlieB comformably the Montian and it is composed of sandstone, marl and alga! limestone. The alga! llmestone ofthe Thanetian sequence contain foraminifers such as Alveoıitıa .(Glomalveolina) prhnaeva Reichel and DiscocıJcliııa Bcttnesi Douville.The Upper Paleocene (Ilerdian) sequence overlies comformably the Middle Paleocene (Thanetıan) and ıt ıs com-posed ofsandstone, conglomerate, marl and sandy limestone. The sandstones and sandy limestones of the sr-quence contaln species of theforaminifera such as NummıditesfraaBi dela Harpe, N. exilis Douvill .Alvcofüıa cu-cumlformis Hottınger, The Ilerdlan se,quenceIsunconformably overlaln by the clayey and sandy llmeetones, marl nnd conglomerate of Lower Eocene (Cu!slan) age, the Culslansedlments Is characterfzed by Num1nulites pTanulatıuı (La-marck), N. irregularis Deshayes, N. partschi de la Harpc, Assiliııaplacentula (Deshayes), Alv`oolinabayburtcıısls Slrcl andAlv. canavarii Checchla - Rlspoll. TheMlddlcEocenc (Lutetian) sequcnceoverlles com!ormably thc Cı,ılıılıın sc· dlments and it Is composed of an alternatıon of clayey llmestone and marl. The cıayeyllmestones are characterlzed by Nummulites helveticııs Kaufmann, N. laevigatus (Bruguiere), N. pinfoldi Davies, Ass. exponeııs(Sowerby) and.ııss.spiro deRolssy. The Lutetian sequence ıs unconformably overlaln by the lacustrine llmestone andconglomerateof Ncogcne age,