Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Some Geological Aspects of the Taunts Orogenic Belt (Turkey)

Abstract: The Taurus mountains contain the rock units which were deposited from Cambrian to Tertiary. Withinthis belt there are different units representing different basin conditions. The following units were distinguished andwere named by the author: Bolkardağı Unit, Aladağ Unit, Geyik dağı Unit, Alanya Unit, Bozkır Unit and Antalya Unit.These units can be distinguished and differentiated from each other by their stratigraphic position, character ofmetamorphism, the rock units which they contain and theil present structural position. These units extend laterallyabout hundreds of kilometers with tectonic contacts between them and commonly they form allochthonous covers oneach other. The Bolkardağ, Aladağ, Geyik dağı and Alanya units contain carbonates and detrital rocks which werethought to be deposited in a shelf environment. On the other hand, the Bozkır and Alanya units contain deep seasediments, ophiolites and submarine basic volcanic rocks.