Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

The Ophiolitic Melange and Other Formations in The Karaman-Ermenek (Konya) Region.

Abstract: The rock units cropping out in the investigation area form two associations differing from each other bytheir stratigraphic and tectonic properties. The units are termed Ophiolitic melange and Other formations.The investigation area consist of a coloured melange including olisthostromes and blocks of various lithology andsize with an age between Middle Permian and Maastriehtian, Bloke and olisthostromes are emplaced in a matrix mostlycomposed of voleanies (diabase, spilite, dolerite, ignimbritic tuff, vitric tuff) and partly of sedimentary rocks(graywackes, clay, marl, radiolarite and pelagic limestones with aboundant Badiolaria). The minimum age of thismixture (coloured melange) is Maastriehtian and all of its members are of marine origin.The rock units forming the coloured meloured melange are covered by marine Miocene sediments. The Miocenesediments (polygenic conglomerates, sandstone, sand, silt, clay, marl, reef limostone, sandy limestone) showing laterallyand vertically gradation to each other and composing of different thicknesses and lithofacieses and also lacustrinePliocene limestones unconformably overlyines the Miocene sediments have been termed as Other formations.