Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Basement Rock Units and The Miocene Stratigraphy of Silifke Region

Abstract: Formations of Devonian, Middle Permian, Late Jurassic, Late Cretaceous, Lutetian and Miocene age Croppout in the investigation area. The Devonian consists of conglomerates, dolomitized limestones, quartzites and clayschist;The Middle Permian is composed of pisolitic-oolitic limestones; The Upper Jurassic formations consist of limestones anddolomitized limestones; The Upper Cretaceous is represented by pelagic limestones and serpentinites of melange character.The Lutetian transgressively covering the above mentioned formations is represented by a brecciated limestone outcrop.These rock units of an age between Devonion and Lutetian, and various lithology, constitute the Basement rock units inthis region.The Miocene sediments overlying the Basement rock unitsj as transgressive and grading in to each other vertically andlaterally are represented by polygenic conglomerates, sandstones, marls and reef limestones. Five planctonic foraminiferalblozones, which three of them of Burdiga`ian age, the others two of Helvetian to Tortonian (?) were defined in theseformations