Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Geology and Fluid Inclusion Characteristics of the Akgüney (Kabadüz-Ordu) Copper-Lead-Zinc Deposits

Abstract: TheAkgüney copper lead zinc deposit is one ofthe widely occuring and workable deposits in the Eastern BlackSea Region ofTurkey. This deposit consists ofore veinsfound along thefaultzones hosted by hardly altered UpperCretaceaous andesitic rocks. Seven ore veins have been identified and numbered asD-l, D-2, D-3, D-4, D-5, D-6andD-7. These ore veins, excludingD-7, have strikes and dips of N7O-8O0 W, 50-60° NE, while the last one has adip ofE-W, 25° S.The ore veins are cropt out as hardly limonitezed and hematitized quartz veins. Two different ore types weredistinguishedwithin the D-l andD-2 veins which are being mined in the adits. Thefirst one consists ofquartz andfine grainedpyrite, while the second one consists ofquartz, calcite and coarse grained sulfide minerals such as chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite, fahlor and secondary limonite veinlets in addition to pyrite. The succession ofthese minerals have been identified as: pyrite galena chalcopyrite-Isphalerite chalcopyrite-II(ffahlor)-quartzcalcite.Fluid inclusion data indicate that the oreformingfluids contain CaCl2, MgCl2, NaCl andpossiblyKCl assalts, thesalinity ofthefluids is in the range of24.34 to 13.94 (avr. = 19.0) %NaCl equivalent, and the temperature ofthefluids is in the range of349.0 to 276.0 °C (avr. 307.0 °C) during the crystallization ofthe quartz, going down to211.0 °Cthrough the laterstages ofmineralization.