The Industrial Raw Material Potential of Lower Liassic Dolomites in the Aydıncık (Mersin) Area
Abstract: This study aims to investigate the industrial raw material potential of the Lower Liassic dolomites (DibekliMember of Cehennemdere Formation) in the Aydıncık (Mersin) area. The properties of Lower Liassic dolomitesare based on the Pirencik Tepe, Erenler Tepe and Soğuksu location measured stratigraphic sections.Mineralogical and chemical compositions of the dolomite samples were determined by petrographic, X-raydiffraction (XRD) and ICP-ES analyses. Petrographic examinations revealed the presence of three types ofdolomites. These are: (1) very fine to fine crystalline dolomite (T1) with a size of predominantly 13-26 m, (2) coarsecrystalline dolomite (T2) with a size of predominantly 65-130 m and (3) dolomite cement (T3). Among these, T1 and T2-type dolomites are widespread, and have importance as an industrial raw material. XRD analysesdemonstrated that most samples contain predominantly dolomite, secondary calcite and accessory quartzminerals. ICP-ES analyses indicated that first type-dolomites (T1) have on average 20.76 % MgO, 31.10 % CaO,1.59 % SiO +Al O and second type-dolomites (T2) have on average 21.44 % MgO, 31.42 % CaO and 0.63 %SiO + Al O . These data indicate that the Lower Liassic dolomites can be utilized as raw materials in industry.