Evaluation of Settlement Suitability of Gölbaşı (Adıyaman) Town, located on the East Anatolian Fault Zone
Abstract: The settlement area of Gölbaşı (Adıyaman) is located on the active East Anatolian Fault Zone (EAFZ). Due to itshigh population and high earthquake risk, in assessing its suitability for settlement, the soil properties of this townhave to be evaluated in detail. In this study, the geological-geotechnical properties of an area which is unsuitablefor the settlement are investigated. The evaluation of alluvium and swamp soil forming the settlement area ofGölbaşı town were done in order to assess its suitability for settlement, based on the data obtained from boreholes,geophysics and laboratory studies. As a result of these data, the Gölbaşı settlement area was divided in twodifferent measured areas in terms of its suitability for settlement. These are classified as ÖA1 where alluvium soiloccurs and as ÖA2 where swamp soil occurs.