Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Geology of The Sarikaya - Üçbaş (Karaman) Region

Abstract: In the study area, ophiolitic melange and Neogene formations crop out. The ophiolitie melange is amixture of radiolarite, pelagic limestones, graywacke, olistostrome, cherty limestone, massive crystallized limestone,diabase, ignimbritic tuff, vitric tuff, gabbro, peridotite, quartzdiorite and porphyrite. The formation age of the ophiolitic melange, which is alloehthonous, is probably Maestrichtian, and its autochthonous basement cannot be seen inthe area which is studied. In contrast, along the Taurus belt, the ophiolitic melange is found thrust over theNummulitic flysch of Lutetian age and/or the Lower Miocene formations.The Neogene formations, which transgressively overly the ophiolitic melange, are characterized by laterally andvertically interdigitating units of marl, sandstone, reefal limestone, conglomerate and clayey limestone.