Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Pliospalax Primitivus N. Sp. (Rodentia, Mammalia) and Anomalomys Gaudryi Gaillard from The Anchitherium Fauna of Sarıçay (Turkey)

Abstract: Two species of micro mammals which belong to the Anchitherium fauna from Sarıçay are described. Thefirst is a new species of Pliospalax known from Turolian (Upper level of Upper Miocene) to Early Villanyian (LatestPliocene - Earliest Pleistocene) levels. It is described in Middle Astaracian (Upper level of Upper Miocene of Turkey and compared with other known species from Greece, Ukraine and Turkey. The second one is Anomalomys gaudryiknown Middle Miocene levels of European localities.