Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Geology of The Mut- Ermenek- Silifke (Konya, Mersin) Area Petroleum Possibilities

Abstract: Formations age of Paleozoic  Mesozoic in the south northwest,  ophiolitic melange age ofMesozoic in the North  Northeast, as basement formations,  sediments overlaying them age of Eocene  Miocene crop out in the investigation area which is named as Mut-Silifke-Ermenek basin.Paleozoic  Mesozoic aged formations have intervals having the characteristics of source rocks, reservoir rocks  cap rocks. Oil shows occur in these formations, to the east  west of the basin. Structural traps are to be important in those parts of the basin.Miocene sedimentation started under continental conditions, but marine environment dominated toward the  of the epoch. Sediments deposited during Miocene epoch are only slightly deformed  they preserve their initialsubhorizental positions over large areas. Stratigraphic traps are expected to be important in these Tertiary areas,particularly where the reef limestones are covered by younger units.