Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

The Palynologic Examination of Core Specimens Around Kütahya-Tunçbilek Area

Abstract: 33 simples obtained from the drill holes in the Kütahya-Tunçbilek basin, were studied palinologically, 21 genera 48 types were determined. The spores pollens in the coal beds are of Tertiary types Upper Miocene age is assigned by the presence of young pollens. The drill holes were correlated to each other bythe aid of dominant types as a result 4 biozones were distinguished.1-Monocolpopollenites trachycarpoides biozone: DH: 12 between 211.20-212.10 meters, Polyvestibulopoilenitesverus Manoeolpopollenites trachycarpoides constitute the 75% of the pollen assemblage.2 -Triatriopoilenites coryphaeus biozone: DH: 5, DH: 7. The first occurrence of the coal has been recordedat this zone, Triatriopoilenites coryphaeus present in considerable abundance.3-Polyvestibulopollenites veins biozone: This zone is seen in all drill holes characterized by Polyvestibulopollenites verus also Laevigatosporites haardti Pityosporites microalatus as well.4-Matriopollenites coryphaeus biozone: This biozone is observed in DH: 5, DH: 7 characterized bythe presence of the youngest coal occurrence.The climate during the formation of the coal was characteristic of the Mediterranean climate was determined bythe plants  spore-pollen which au related with them.