Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Petrochemistry and Parent Rock Characteristics of the Amphibolites in the Gümüşler Formation of the Niğde Metamorplıics, Central Turkey

Abstract: In this study, it was attempted to determine the petrochcmistry and parent rock characteristics of theGümüşler amphibolites, associatcd with marble and quartzite, from the Niğde metamorplıics by using tlıcirwhole-rock chemical analyses. Amphibolites are associated with a seri es of Pre-Cretaceous supracmstalmetasediınents of the Gümüşler Formation. Massive and variably foliated amphibolites are made up mainlyby plagioclase, hornblende, quartz, diopsite witlı accessory sphene and apatite. Based on trace elementcharacteristics, the amphibolites are suggested to be metaigneous roeks; tuff or less likely basaltic-andesiticlava/sili, which were emplaced between metasediınents. Their parent roeks are subalkalinc basalt andandesite in cnmposition, and are characterisedby high K2O, Rb, Sr, Ba, K/Rb (-270-550) ratin, and low MgO,Ti,Y, Zr, CaO/Al2O3 ratio. Pctrochenıical dataalso suggcstthat the parent roeks of these orthoaınphiboliteswere possibly fonued by fraetionalcrystallization of olivine, clinopyroxene and hornblende.