Sedimentologieal and Sedimenter Peirographic Properties of Late Cretaceoııs Aged Clastic Deposits in Easiern Black Sea Region, NE Turkey
Abstract: This study aims at determining sedimentologieal and sedimenter petrographic properties of LateCretaceousagedclasticdepositsthat are widespread in the Eastern Black Sea region.Sedİmenlary roeks exposed in the regkm were deposiied by turbidüy curmnts and characterized as thedistal turbidite. The fota!. îhicknesses of the sequencc range frorn 96 to 750m. are composed ofarecomposite ofpink, green, greenish gray, gmy cohrecl and ıhin- medium-ihick bedded marl and shale; green,greenish gray, gray, brown coloredand îhin-medium-thickbedded, fine, medium, coarsegrainedsandstones. Thefrequently obsen>ed locally interbedded with conglomarete, limestones, elaystones and volcanic material,Sedimentary struclures constiiuteparallel. convolute lamination, graded bedding, had mark and flüte marks.Mineralogîc compo.siti.on of sandstones are auartz, faldispars, lithicfragments, opac mineral, accessorymineral matrix andcemenis. According to mineral ratios in the rock, sandstones are named litharenite-arkose.They are mineralogic immature and texturalty medium mature, The main provenance ofsandsiones weregenerally magmatic are, recycled orogen region a.ndback are subduction complex source.