The Structural Behavior of Taurus Between Hellenides and Zagrids
Abstract: The soulheastren part of Turkey is easily correlated with the Zagros and shows form South to North: the ArabianPlatform, the ophiolitic and radiolaritic nappes emplaced during the Meastrichtian, the Bitlis-Pütürge metamorphic belt emplacedduring the Mio-Pliocene. Correlatione are given in terms of structural units and paleogeographic zones.North oî the Bitlis-Pütürge massives appears the typical Tauric organisatino, 1. e. an east-west belt of limestone outcropsextending from the Aegean Sea to the Munzur dağ, the Taurus Calcareous Axis, surrounded by radiolaritic series, ophiolites andmetamorphic massives. A stratigraphic and structural analysis shows that these limestone outcrops are tectonec windows beloningto the Arabian platform and covered by radiolaritic, aphiolitic and metamorphic nappes.Consequently a paleogeographic recontruction is given for the mesozoic times in wich the Apullian, Ionian and Gavore zones inGreece, the Taurus limestone Axis and the Arabian platform all belong to the same arabo-african platform over wich te formations coming from the Tethys will be overthrusted from North to South in three mainsstages: meastrichtian, eo-oligosene andmio-pliocene.