Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

The Geology of The Fylsch Assemblages in Southern Bornova (İzmir)

Abstract: To the south of Bornova, on the bases of stratigraphic and depositional characteristics, three different flysch units arerecognized. These are, in ascending order, (1) the Arapdere litharenite-shale unit, which is Late Cretaceus in age and underlies theKurudağ limestone unit, (2) the Izmirlik shale-litharenite unit which is Late Cretaceus and early Paleocene in age and overlies theKurudağ limestone unit, (3) Beşiktaş litharenite-shale unit which is middle Paleocene in age and rests unconformably on the olderunits.Paleocurrent data from the Paleocene and Cretaceus flysch units, indicate that the main current directions were from south.Vertically drapped N-S trending older faults, are cut by E-W trending younger faults. The study area is divided in a mozaicblock pattern by two main fault systems. The folds have NNE trending axes. The overturned folds to the south recognized bydepositional features are trending in ENE-WSW direction.