(Petrology of Post-Collisional Calc-Alkaline Yozgat Volcanics)
Abstract: Yozgat Volcanics is located in Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex within central Anatolia, and inthe northwest of the province of Yozgat. Middle-Upper Eocene Yozgat Volcanics are composed ofbasaltic andesite, andesite and dacite. Yozgat Volcanics show calc-alkaline character which presenceof plagioclase phenocryst with sieve texture and epitacsitic quartz xenocrystals prove magma mixing.Besides, geochemical analyses show that there are olivine-clinopyroxene fractionation from basalticandesite to andesite, and plagioclase-hornblende fractionation from andesite to dacite. In addition to that it has been observed that there is a signature of partial melting and continental contamination duringmagma evolution based on geochemical analysis.The northern branch of Neo-Tethys subducted beneath of Eurasia plate in central Anatolia in stageof Santonian-Campanian. Following this subduction event İzmir-Ankara Suture Zone occurred due tocontinent-continent collision. Lower-Middle Eocene basaltic rocks originated from mantle dasitic rocksoriginated partial melting of lower continental crust respectively. It has been thought that andesite wasformed by homogeneous mixing of basic and acidic volcanic rocks.