Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

The Geology of Gevaş Ophiolite and A Synkinematic Shear Zone

Abstract: Four tectonic units have been differentiated in the Gevaş (Van) region. These are; (a) ophiolite association, (b)metamorphic rocks of the outer envelope of the Bitlis masif, (c) a zone of transition between theophiolite and the metamorphic rocks and, (d) the overlying sedimentary cover. Within the present sequence, theophiolite is at the bottom. The ophiolite may well be regarded as an ordered type of ophiolite. Although its membersare locally displaced / missing, the tectonic readjustment nowhere appears to have gone to form a caotic assemblage.The ophiolite is overlain by the merbles through a zone of tectonic transition. The Eocene sediments rest on the earlier rocks on a surface of angular unconformity. Following the deposition of the Eocene the primary position of the unitshave been largely disturbed and the underlying units were locally pushed over the young sedimentary rocks in a northerly direction. The thrustings have modified the original of "the zone of transition". Analyses of the structural features have enabled to reconstract the primary position of the sequence prior to the development of the thrusting.Initially the ophiolite obducted on the carbonates of the Bitlis masif. During the obduction, 500 to 1000 m thickmetamorphic aureole were formed. Metamorphic rocks of the aureole range from amphibolite at the immediate contactdownwards in greenschists which inturn grade to unmetamorphased volcanic rocks and associated sedimentaryrocks (mainly the cherts). Later the zone of transition were intensely deformed. Still it can be traced continously as abelt over the whole region at the same structural level, and contains inclusions of the high grade amphibolites.This feature as well as the evidence derived from the followings indicate that the aureole rocks were shearedto the end stage of the obduction, forming a zone of tectonic transition. At the immediate contact the aureole mineralsshow semi-plastic rotation. Going away from the contact apparent increase in deformation of cataclastic nature, displaying structural features of the same sense of deformation are observed.During Eocene, shallow water marine detritics were deposited on the preexisting rocks including the zone oftransition. Later, northward thrustings occured. This displaced the primary position of the tectonic units in the sequence. The zone of transition were folded and in some places slices of the Eocene sediments were incorporated in thezone.As a result the present position of the units, where the ophiolite at the base while the marbles on the top wereformed.