Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Travertines with original features and their importances: Examples from the Sivas travertines

Abstract: Travertine is sedimentary rock which formed under chemical and/or biochemical processes fromgeothermal waters and consists very long time periods and very special geological processes. Well-knowntravertine areas are now under protection but majority of travertine areas is remote from any control andoperating and used as quarry. Travertine and travertine areas has an great important in terms of theiractive tectonics data, geological characteristics, earth science education and scientific researches. Theimportance of travertine outcrops is not limited with earth science. Travertines have also archaeological,anthropological and touristical values. Importance of the travertines should be carefully evaluated before they are operated as an quarries in orderto determine the presence or absence of its original features. According to the results of this evaluation theoriginal features travertine areas should be protected and avoided from damages.