Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Stratigraphy of the Homa-Akdağ (Denizli) Region

Abstract: Varied aged rock units of distinct fades and different position have been defined, as a result of investigations caried out in the research area. The oldest of these rocks are the schists covering the Menderes Massif of sedimentary origin. The metamorphics are composed of various schists with metamorphic grades not exeed the green-schistfaeies, and their age is probably Sillurian. The cover schists are folloved upward by the marbles which outcrop inwider areas. It is thought that the age marbles, which appear to be conformamle with, underlying schists althoughthere is probable a stratigraphic gap between them, is Devonian.Rhyolites constitute the origin of Kocayayla metamorphics which is an autochthonous mass like the MenderesMassif. No direct connection with the Menderes Massif is not certain yet, but it may possibly be correlated with thecover-schists of the Menderes Massif. The formations starting from Liassic and continuing up to the end of Lutetian have autochthonous positions. Liassic agedDerealanı formation which commences with basal conglomerates and developes in pelitic facies, Dogger aged Akdağ formation,Upper Jurassic aged Çamoluk formation consisting of siliceous pelagic limestones from the Jurassic system. The rocks belonging toCretaceous system display normal transition with Jurassic units. Akçay for mation of Lower Cretaceous age is developed in pelagicandneritic limestone fades. These limestones are conformably overlain by the pelagic limestones of Paleocene age. Theautochthonous units terminate with red clayey limestones of Lutetian age. Resting on these are overthrustedallochthonous units ofvarious age and lithology. Emplacement age of the allochthonous units is Upper Eocene.Çağlayan formation is regressive series which is represented by lacustrine deposits. limestones exist at the base, red clays withconglomerate and sandstone interca lations comprise the Upper levels, and the bedded conglomerates derived from nearbysources are present at the top.Lithologic charecter of the rocks exposed in the research area and their distribution indicate that different sedimantary environments were existent within short intervals, and generally these environments were deepening fromeast to west.