Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

The Structure ,and Metamorphism af The Bitlis Area

Abstract: The structure ,and metamorphism of an area of 84 km.2 lying on the Taurus mountains of South-East Turkey was studied. The country around the city of Bitlis was mapped on 1/10 000 scale. The stratigraphical relations ofthe metamorphic rock units are quite obscure. Two major rock units mainly composed of unfossiliferous metamorphicrocks are distinguished on the basis of structural ,and petrographic evidences. Three deformation phases accompanied withprogressive ,and retrogressive metamorphism were distinguished.In the first phase, penetrative foliation which is subparallel to original bedding, has been produced. In the secondphase both bedding ,and foliation have been deformed by tight folding. Open folds ,and an incipient foliation have developed in the third phase. The rocks are metamorphosed to the biotite ,and garnet grade of the greenschist facies. The age ofthis metamorphism is still debatable. Intense thrusting of Alpine age ,and dynamic metamorphism in these thrust zonesare observed. Dating of the metamorphic events in the Bitlis massif are discussed in the light of data obtained from Bitlis ,and adjacent areas.