Stratigraphy and Metamorphism of the Kırşehir Massif Around Kaman (Kırşehir - Turkey)
Abstract: In this article, metamorphic rocks of the Mid - Anatolian (Kırşehir) Massif are nkmed the KamanGroup, The Kaman Group is divided in three lithostratigraphical units, in an ascending order as follows: TheKalkanlıdağ Formation is characterized by a complex of gneisses, biotiteschists. pyroxeneschists, amphiboleschists,quartzites, quartzschists and jcalc - silicatic schists. The Tamadağ Formation is an intercalation of marbles, schistsand gneisses. The Bozçaldağ Formation is primarily composed of marbles, meta^chert - bearing marbles and metacherts.It is believed that the Kaman Group was originally made up of psammitic, orthoquartzitic, pelitic, semi - pelitierocks and sandy, marlly and chert-bearing carbonates. Inthe vicinity of Kaman, the mineral assemblages of therocks of different chemical composition indicate that the above - mentioned sedimentary sequence was regionallymetamorphosed under low pressure - high temperature conditions. It is also determined that the progressive metamorphism of the Kaman Group ranges from the high amphibolite to granuiite fades. Then, the rocks of this groupunderwent retrograde metamorphism ranging from low amphibolite to greenschist fades.