Mineralogical Study of Some Radioactive Mineralisation in Turkey
Abstract: Mineralogical studies on radioactive ore samples from the Kasar and Taşharman (Köprübaşı) uranium deposits, and Yeşilyurt (Alaşehir) uranium occurrence in Western Anatolia; Eskine and Asarcık uranium mineralizations in Şebinkarahisar district in the Eastern Black Sea Region, and Beylikahır (Sivrihisar) rare earth - thorium-fluorite deposit in Western Anatolia were carried out using microscopic, autoradiographic and X-ray powdercamera diffraction techniques.The Kasar and Taşharman deposits, and the Yeşilyurt occurrence are sandstone - type uranium mineralizations located in the Neogene f luviatite and lake sediments. Meta - autinite and meta - torbernite are the only uraniumminerals recognised in the ore samples from the Kasar deposit. These minerals occur as disseminations in thematrix, and as an envelope around the pebbles of the Neogene clastic series, and in places extend down in thefractures of the basement gneiss and schist. No uranium minerals were identified in a limited number of representative ore samples from Taşharman and Yeşilyurt mineralizations. Fine yellow coatings on some Taşharman conglomerate samples were found to be jarosite. Some indications of a radioactive disequilibrium in the Yeşilyurt uranium occurrence explains the scarcity of the uranium minerals.In the Çukurovası and Eskine mineralization in the Şebinkarahisar district meta - autinite, meta - torbernite andmeta - uranocircite II were identified. These minerals occurin a conglomerate - sandstone - siltstone unit of Eocene age,and in the fractures of a silicified andesite. Both of the uraniferous units overlie a granite, and are covered by thebasalt and andesite flows.Uraninite was observed in a highly radioactive, sulphide rich sample from the the Asarcık lead-zinc mine inthe Şebinkarahisar district.The Beylikahır rare earth - thorium - fluorite deposit is related to the alkaline magmatism of Tertiary age andoccur as veins and fissure zones located in tectonic breccia zones in the Paleozoic meta - sedimentary and volcaniccomplex. In addition to calcite, fluorite, barite, and bastnaesite as the rare earth - thorium mineral, psilomelane,limonite, dolomite, and in small quantities apatite and phlogopite were observed in the ore samples from this deposit.The bastnaesite from Beylikahır, which has been found to be more enriched in thorium than a normal bastnaesiteaccording to a previous study, deposited in the final stages of a multiphase mineralization process.