Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Petrographic - Petrologic Study of Güneş - Sogucak Region, Divriği/Sivas, Eastern Turkey

Abstract: Study area is located in Çetinkaya-Divriği Area, Sivas district Eastern Turkey. Petrographical andpetrological studies have been carried out on the intrusive and extrusive rocks of the area.Alkali metasomatism related to Dumluca Intrusion (syenitic - granitic) has effected Güneş Ophiolite rocks andhas caused the scapolitization of basic plagioclases and biotitization of clinopyroxenes. Besides wide spread serpentinization, disseminated - type Ni - mineralization has been observed in ultramafic rocks. It is found that gabbroicrocks show calcalkaline affinity while spilite - diabase rocksshow tholeiitic and calcalkaline trend and they most probably formed in an oceanic environment. Dumluca Intrusion has calcalkaline character. Neogene Volcanics are cqn^sist mostly of basaltic and trachytic rocks and have calcalkaline affinity possibly formed in an island are environment.