Stratigraphy of the Miocene Clastic Sediments, the Bey Dağları and Susuz Dağ Massifs, Southwestern Turkey
Abstract: The thick Miocene clastic sedimentary sequence (up to 1000 m), which overlies the Bey Dağları andSusuz Dağ carbonate massifs in SW Turkey is defined here in terms of modern stratigraphical usage.The succession which in some areas spans Lower Miocene (Burdigalian) to Upper Miocene (Tortonian) comprises dominantly terrigenous clastic sediments derived from two allochthonous ophiolites, the Antalya Complex inthe east and the Lycian Nappes in the west.Three formations and several members are recognised within the Karakuş Tepe Group, which encompassesthe entire succession.The Salir Formation records the tectonic emplacement of the Antalya Complex on the sedimentary basinfrom the east. Lower Miocene sedimentary sequences, deposited on a submarine fan, become more distal westwardsaway from the Antalya Complex. The sequence is terminated in the Middle Miocene by a thick conglomerate unit(Bağbeleni Member) deposited on an alluvial fan.The Kemer Formation records the emplacement of the Lycian Nappes from the northwest. Lower Miocenesediments pass from alluvial fans in proximal areas, close to the Lycian Nappes, to small submarine fans in distalareas.The Kasaba Formation, deposited on a terrigenous alluvial fan, marks the final stage of emplacement of theLycian Nappes and infilling of the sedimentary basin during the Upper Miocene.The sequence taken as a whole records the emplacement of two allochthonous ophiolites onto a subsidingcarbonate platform. Subsidence was followed by a regressive marine sequence which culminated in terrigenousalluvial deposits.