Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

New Age Findings in Ancient Mining Valley in Bolkar Mountains and First Mining Licence: Yazılıtaş, Niğde

Abstract: Ancient mines and mining slag’s around Ulukışla (Niğde) and Pozantı (Adana) region were investigated interms of ancient mining point of view. Samples were collected for chemical and radiometric (14C) analysisfrom ancient ores and slag’s. According to the chemical analysis, Madenköy slags includes 0.8 g/t Au and142.1 g/t Ag; Alihoca-Karagöl slag’s includes 1.3 g/t Au and 34.7 g/t Ag; Gümüşköy slag’s includes 0.9 g/tAu and 67.9 g/t Ag, and Madenköy-Karagümüş slag’s are includes 1.3 g/t Au and 92.8 g/t Ag.Different size vessels, wooden fortifications and shovels and firewood’s were discovered around Madenköyü,Yeşelli-Büyük Toyislam ancient mines. 14C analysis of big vessel gives 1000±30 years (11th Century A.C.);small vessel gives 155±30 (19th Century A.C.); wooden fortification gives 105±30 (19th Century A.C.)radiometric ages. Two wooden shovel discovered around Maden köyü-Büyük Toyislam gives 125±30(20th Century A.C.) and 1000±30 (11th Century A.C.); wooden fortification gives 600±30 (15th CenturyA.C.); firewood gives 385±30 (17th Century A.C.) radiometric ages. Firewood of the ancient mine aroundHorozköy-Gavurun Damı region gives 270±25 (18th Century A.C.); ancient wooden fortification gives205±25 (18th-19th Century A.C.) and wooden staircase gives 135±30 (19th Century A.C.) radiometricages.Wooden charcoals were also analysed according to 14C ages of slag mounds around Karagümüş andMadenköy; 835±30 (12th Century A.C.) and 860±30 (12th Century A.C.) radiometric ages were observedrespectively. According to these radiometric ages, mining works is active starting from Byzantian era tothe Republic of Turkey with some interruptions in the region.Bolkar Mountains is called as “Muti Mountains” in the tablet of Neo-Hatti period in 800 BC, located ineastern part of Alihoca Village. This tablet could be accepted as the “first mining licence” according to itscontent, thus, mining in the region is active, with some interruptions, since Neo-Hatti Period.