Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Sratigraphy of the Danişmen Formation and distribution of lignite seam layers interbedding in the Unit, Thrace Basin, Turkey

Abstract: Aim of this study to understand lignite potential of the basin. This work has been conducted usingsubsurface data; including numerous wells and several seismic lines provided by TPAO, MTA and TKİ.Purpose of this work to understand economical values of lignite seam layers interbedding in the DanişmenFormation (Oligocene-Early Miocene). For that purpose, first total thickness map of Ergene-Kırcasalihformations (Late Miocene-Pliocene) prepared. Total thickness of the lignite layers mapped, which is mainpurpose of the work. Lignite seam layers are usually located in middle of the Danişmen Formation. Alsoseveral stratigraphic correlations conducted to understand lateral continuation of lignite layers.First obstacle to reach lignite is thickness of the Ergene-Kırcasalih formations which are overlying lignitebearing Danişmen Formation. Main structural event which is controlling thickness variation of theDanişmen Formation is Thrace Fault System; it was active during Middle Miocene. Danişmen Formationextensively or partially eroded along the fault zone and on the en-echelon folds of fault system. Amountof erosion is variable, Danişmen Formation and embedded lignite seams were completely eroded in someareas.Elevated areas related Thrace Fault System partially eroded, however these areas were still paleohighduring accumulation of Ergene-Kırcasalih formations. Onlapping sequence of Ergene-Kırcasalihformations are thinner on these paleohigh.At the end of this project lateral thickness variation and discontinuities of the lignite interbeds have beendelineated by well log correlations. Addition to that, thin overburden areas of lignite bearing DanişmenFormation are located by mapping thickness of overlying Ergene-Kırcasalih formations.