Palaeoecology of the Early-Middle Miocene Coal-Bearing Sediments: Examples From the Uşak-Güre and Soma Basins
Abstract: This study reveals paleoecological characteristics of the coal-bearing Miocene sediments in the Somaand Uşak-Güre basins. Palynological samples from the Soma Basin were obtained from a drilling nearArabacıbozköy. The thickness of drilling is around 425 m. The deposits are mainly made up of fineclastic sediments including lignite and tuffite levels. Levels with clastic and lignite correspond to theSoma Formation. The section containing the volcano-clastic levels corresponds to the Deniş Formation.Palynological assemblage from the Soma Formation includes abundant undifferentiated Pinaceae,Cupressaceae, evergreen Quercus, Quercus spp. and Alnus. In the assemblage herbaceous plants, such asPoaceae and Ephedra are observed in low quantities. The Deniş Formation also contains a high percentageof sporomorphs recorded in the Soma Formation. Castanea and Engelhardia are also abundant here.However, herbaceous plants recorded in the Soma pollen assemblage with low percentages are representedby both high percentages and varieties and consist of Poaceae, Asteraceae ve Amaranthaceae.The Miocene sediments in the Uşak-Güre Basin occur in the Hacıbekir Group. Partial sections from thelignite-bearing sequences of İlyaslı, Banaz and Büyükoturak locations were taken and palynological sampleswere collected. Sporomorph assemblages of the sediments on each locations indicate that Polypodiaceae/Telipteridaceae, undifferentiated Pinaceae, evergreen Quercus, Quercus spp. and Alnus were abundant.However, there are some local differences in quantities. Diversity and percentage of spore are the highest inthe İlyaslı pollen assemblage. Also Cupressaceae encountered in other communities at low rates are in highquantities here. Carya and Sparganiaceae forms are predominant in the Büyükoturak pollen assemblage.Herbaceous plants such as Poaceae, Asteraceae and Amaranthaceae in the Büyükoturak and Banaz pollencommunities are aboserved in high quantities. These changes in the pollen concentrations should be relatedwith in local vegetational changes. According to palaeoclimate data obtained, deposition of coal-bearingdeposits in the Soma and Uşak-Güre basins might have occurred in warm and humid conditions.