Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Relationship Between Resistivity and Stress - Strain

Abstract: Many of the geoelectrical measurements being made in connection with earthquake prediction studiesare based on the concept that these properties are influenced by stress or strain build up, especialyso near the failure point. Electrical properties of rocks are controlled by the fluid in the pores and craks of the rocks and, sincethis is the fraction of a rock most influenced by stresses, one should expect electrical measurements to be sensitivemeasures of changing stresses and strains. The strain changes that one is dealing with in there studies, however, arevery small (i.e. in the order of 10"4) and even though the electrical responses can amplify the effect great sensitivityis needed in making the measurements. Because, the estimated change in resistivity is only as much as 1% percent.Some important aspects to examine are depth of occurrances and factors influencing electrical properties insedimantary rocks, laboratory experiments to determine strain - resistivity relationship and careful studies of all previous work completed in this field of interest.