Satellite Imagery Supported GIS Methodologies on Geological Analysis: Example from Yeni Foça (İzmir)
Abstract: Study area covers Ilıpınar Village and its surrounding area between Aliağa, Menemen and Foça districts,NW of İzmir city. This region is located on İzmir-Ankara Zone (Brinkmann,1966) which is an importanttectonic structure of Paleotectonic era between Sakarya Continent in the North and Menderes Massif in theSouth East. Stratigraphic and structural relations between volcanic/volcanoclastic rocks and terrestrialsediments (mainly river and lake deposits) were studied within approximately 72 km² area. 1/25.000scaled geological map of the area prepared by previous researchers was revised by using GeographicInformation Technologies (GIS) and petrographic/petrologic investigations of hand specimens were alsoanalysed.Within this study, previous geological maps underwent changes, stratigraphical column was revised andlocal stratigraphy was re-evaluated. Accordingly, it was determined that; there happened a terrestrial/lacustrine sedimentation with extensive volcanic activity in Early/Mid Miocene. In Mid-Miocene, lacustrinesedimentation was completed with the sedimentation of limestones of Lacustrine origin. Besides, it wasdetermined that all these units were cut by basalts which is a product of Mid-Miocene volcanism.Benefits of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), which is very popular tool inearth sciences, were extensively used. When determining boundaries of different stratigraphic units ingeological mapping, tectonic discontinuities and their interpretation, in addition to GIS applications,different resolution satellite images and Google Earth were widely used