Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

A Structural Approach to the Basement-Cover Relationship of Menderes Group rocks (Selimiye-Muğla).

Abstract: Menderes Group is characterized by two main lithologie units, one of which is basement rocks consisting of migmatite and augen gneisses, and the other is cover rocks composed of alternation of finegrained gneisswith tourmaline, micasehist with garnet, marble, quartzite, epidote - ehloritoid schist and calcschist. The evaluation ofthe different orientation (NE-SW in basement, NW-SE in cover) of the main tectonic elements, such as foliation, joints, veins, fold axes, linearity of various minerals and quartzo-feldspatic augens and boudinage developed in bothbasement and cover rocks, together with the other field and laboratory evidences indicates that the relationshipbetween the basement and the cover is an angular unconformity. In addition contrary to the former ideas, these different tectonic patterns in both basement and cover rocks indicate that the general structural shape of MenderesGroup is not a dome. The concentration of quartz veins, which are the post - anatexitic features in migmatization,in both basement and the lower part of cover rocks implies that the migmatization has mostly occurred during anearly Alpine orogenic phase, after the deposition of the cover rocks.