Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Comparisons of Different Methods and Selecitvs Extraction Techniques in Analysis of Uranium in the Recent Black Sea Sediments

Abstract: Selected samples of the Recent sediments from the Black Sea basin were analysed for uranium employing neutron activation delayed neutron counting technique (NADNC) and fluorometric methods. The effects of thesolvent extraction and use of the different fusion mixtures were investigated with a view towards establishing themost acceptable fluorometric method of uranium analysis for these sediments. Experimental studies suggest that theanalytical results most close to those of the NADNC method were obtained by the steps, involving the digestion withan HF + HNO3 + HCIO4 acid mixture; followed by the solvent extraction procedure, using ethyl acetate in presenceof concentrated aluminum nitrate salting agent; and finally measurement of the fluorescence intensity of the pelletsprepared by the fusion of an aliquot of ethyl acetate phase and a fusion mixture. It was found that the uranium determinations without the solvent extraction step gave about 50% lower uranium values than those of the NADNC method- The use of either 2% LiF + 98% NaF + or 9% NaF + 45.5% N^COj + 45.5% as the fusion mixture had no effecton the fluorometric uranium determinationsSelected sediment samples from the abyssal plane and continental slope of the Black Sea were subjected tothe selective extraction procedures to assess the form of occurence and geochemical associations of uranium in thesesediments- The data indicate that about an average of 15% (range : 6.3% - 30%) occurs as easily exchangeable (groundwater extractable uranium); a major part of uranium (average : 51%, range : 21% - 89%) as sorbed + exchangeableions, mostly on organic matter (1 M Na acetate - acetic acid (pH = 5.5) extractable uranium); and about 24% (range :7%-36%) as bound in the organic matter with strong organo - uranium bonds (hydrogen peroxide extractable uranium proceeded by the acetate - acetic acid extraction). The remaining (about 25%) uranium is associated most probably with the detrital minerals. The organic matter-bound uranium constitutes the highest percentage of the total in the Sapropel Unit, whereas the detrital - associated uranium is relatively higher in the Lutite Unit and the Coccolith Unit samples of the continental slope, as compared to the rest of the samples.