Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Conodont Biyostratigrapity of the Triassie Rocks, Southwest of Antalya, TURKEY

Abstract: In Southern Turkey, South-west of Antalya City, three of the measured sections (Teke Dağı, Saklıkentand Dömek Tepe) provide sufficient micropalaeontological base for future biostratigraphical studies. The Saklıkentsection comprises red or buff and grey biomicrite, both of which contain ammonites and conodonts. According tothe conodonts, it belongs to the Middle Triassie. The Dömek Tepe section consists of grey, mottled red biomicritewhich also contains conodonts. They indicate an Upper Triassie age. In the Teke Dağı, proposed as the type sectionof the Triassie rocks in Antalya, the succession is characterized by vermicular limestone and red calcarenite rich inmarine fauna (ammonites, conodonts, foraminifers... etc.) These Middle-Upper Triassie limestones are typical of Alpine-type Triassie and are thought to be pelagic sediments deposited on sea-mounts within ocean basins. In Antalyaseveral species of the Middle-Upper Triassie conodonts Crathognathodus, Cypridodella, DMymodella, Diplododella,Enantiognathus, Epigondolella, Glaiigonâolella, Meocavîtella, Neogondolella, Neohindeodella, Prioniodella, Prioniodiaaand Xaniognathus occur in this environment.