Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Geology and Genesis of the Turhal Antimony Deposits

Abstract: Turhal antimony deposits are the richest antimony deposits of Turkey. The mineralisation area iscovered by metamorphic rocks of Pre-Upper Jurassic age that are composed of alternations of phyllite and quartzitewith carbonates, and contain interlayers of metabasites and marble blocks. The metamorphic rocks are successivelyoverlain by Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous limestones and sedimentary rocks of Eocene age.The antimony deposits occur as four different depositional types- In addition; first, second and third types of mineralisations are subdivided in a and b subtypes- Stibnite is found as the only ore mineral and quartz and calciteas the gangue minerals in the deposits. The stibnite crystals are mostly oxidised at surface.It is proposed that the la and possibly 2a subtype deposits have been formed in the depositional environment bysynsedimentary processes, prior to metamorphism; whereas the other types have been formed by transportation ofantimony from the la and lb subtypes of deposits and the metamorphic rocks.