Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Geochemistry of the Neogene Volcanics Around Ankara

Abstract: The Neogene volcanics occur in four main areas around Ankara- Petrochemical characteristics of therocks revealed that i) the intermediate-acidic rocks show calcalkaline affinity whereas ii) the mafic rocks showalkaline affinity.The calk-alkaline group contains hornblende, biotite, pyroxene and andesine as phenoeryst phases- Major elementchemistry of some of the rocks is similar to that of the Andean type continental margin volcanics. However ,thehigh incompatible trace element contents (Rb, Nb, Zr, Y) are not comparable with those of the Andean type.The mafic rocks contain phenoeryst of clinopyroxene with  without olivine, and lack the orthorombic pyroxene.The intermediate members of this group also contain hornblende and plagioclase as phenocrysts. Olivine is dominantlypresent in the normative composition of the rocks together with either nepheline hypersthene. The mafic volcanics have been classified, in terms of the mojor and immobile trace element (Ti, Zr, Y, Nb) abundances in two groups as alkaline basalts and shoshonites- The Zr and Y contents of both group of rocks suggest a within-platetectonic setting, for the mafic volcanics around Ankara