Geology and Fuid Inclusion Studies of the Fluorite Deposits in the Akçakent Area (Çiçekdağı-Kırşehir)
Abstract: Three different vein type fluorite mineralisations are observed in the Akçakent area, located within,the Central Anatolian Massif. These veins that are termed Kumlutepe (I), Değirmensırtı (II) ,and Yoncalıöz (III)occur in the Paleocene aged gabbros, alkali siyenites ,and porphyritic syenites. The gabbros ,and syenites are intersected by rhyolite dykes which contain fluorite ,and quartz. The veins I ,and II contain a poor paragenesis whichconsists of fine grey quartz, green fluorite, yellow fluorite ,and calcite. In the vein III, a different paragenesis is seen,in which, pale white fluorite, yellow fluorite ,and sulfide minerals are observed. The green fluorites of the veins I ,and II show similar fluid inclusions ,and homogenisation temperatures (14(M50oC). On the other hand, the vein IIIis poor in fluid inclusions. These inclusions show lower homogenisation temperatures (130°C) ,and higher salinityvalues.While the faults extending in NW-SE directions are the cause of the formation of the veins I ,and II, the veinIII has formed probably in the final stage along a NE-SW running fault at the syenite-gabro contact. Fluid, inclusions data show that the fluorites are of hydrothermal origin.The veins considered in this study show similar features to those of the other fluorite veins occurring in theCentral Anatolian Massifs.