Stratigraphy of the Antalya Neogene Basin
Abstract: Beydağları and Antalya Miocene basins which are developed partly independent of each other, and Antalya Upper Miocene-Pliocene basin which is developed totally independent from the others make up the mainAntalya Neogene basin.The Beydağları Miocene basin of Western Taurus partially extends in the study area. The rock units of thebasin start with; the Aquitanian Karabayır Formation which csnsists mainly of limestons with Rhodophyta andcontinue with the Burdigalian and Langhian Karakuş Formation consisting of flysch type sediments and the overlying deltaic conglomerate. This formation, which fills the basin, has been developed during the Middle Miocenewhile the Lycian nappes were thrusting. ,The Antalya Miocene basin in the west of Middle Taurus lies between the Beydağları and Anamas-Aksekiplatforms. The basin consists of the Aksu Formation which includes terrigenous conglomerate-siltstone, marine :conglomerate-sandstone and reef limestone lenses; the Qymapmar Limestone of mainly reef limestone; the Çakal- lar Formation consisting of limestone breccia and packstone alternated with clayey limestone; the Geceleme Formation of limy claystone -sandstone alternation; and the Karpuzçay Formation which is composed of shale-sandstone-conglomerate alternation with occasional volcanic tuff interbeds. This sedimentation period started in Upper ~Oligocene and ceased in Upper Tortonian as the basin was compressed first towards the-west and later towardsthe south by the Aksu phase. In the area elevated by this compression, the Taşlık Formation consisting of clayey -:limestone -limestone-blocky conglomerate (some are gypsum) has been deposited locally in Lower Messinian.The Antalya Upper Miocene and Pliocene basin lies in the west of Middle Taurus. It appears in the south ofthe Aksu valley and along the Mediterranean coast as a post-tectonic unit. The Messinian Eskiköy Formation ofconglomerate-sandstone, the Gebiz Limestone sometimes reefal showing lateral gradation in the Eskiköy Formation, the Yenimahalle Formation of Lower and Upper Pliocene age including limy claystone -sandstone, and theUpper Pliocene Alakilise Formation which consists of sandstone with volcanic tuff and conglomerate make up therock succession of this basin.