Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Bspositional Environments of the Paleozoic Sediments in the Amanos Mountains and Palegeographic Evolution of the Region

Abstract: In the core of Amanos anticline, in sout hern Turkey, there is a Paleozoic sequence that runsthrough Precambrian and Cambrian in the Devonian.In this study, we have investigated the depositional environments and paleogeographic evolutionof the sedimentary rocks, at the lowest part of which there exists the Precambrian Eğribucak formation. This unit consist of alternating graywacke and lami nated shale and contains scour marks, tool marksand trace-fossils as horizontal burrows. The Eğribu cak formation was formed in a deep marine environment where turbidite cycles could develop.The Cambrian Eğrek formation consists of qu artzarenites that unconformably overlies the Eğribucak formation. The Eğrek formation settled in a shal low shelf environment where waves and storms werepredominant.The Koruk formation consist of dolomicrite, int ramicrite, intrasparite, micrite and dolomite. ThisCambrian formation, which involves certain oolites, stromatolites and bird`s-eye structures, was deposites in a low energy stable shelf and in its near shore environments.Pink, nodular and thin-bedded tnderesi formati on which consists of micritewas probably deposites in the slope environment of the shelf.cortaining trilobites,The Middle-Upper Cambrian Tiyek formation which contains shale, litharenite and graywacke, restsupon Middle-Cambrian tnderesi formation. It was deposited in the open shelf-basin environments.The Ordovician Bahçe formation comprises quartzarenite and shale alternation,shallow shelf-shore deposit where storms and waves were predominant.It is a typical,The Upper Ordovician-Lower Silurian Kızlaç formation is represented by shales, litharenites andsublitharenites. The sedimentary structures and the sequence of the formation indicate that the lowerpart of the unit was formed in an open shelf environment; whereas, the upper part of the same unitwas accumulated in a delta and bay environments.Pink-purple Dedeler formation is composed of litharenite and shale alternation. Distinct marks ofa meandering river could be observed in this formation.The Ayran formation is formed by sublithareni te, quartzarenite and shale alternation. It is depo*sited in a beach shelf environments which gradually passed in deeper water.There transgressions and two regression are, thus, apparent in the Amanos Paleozoic rocks.All of these sedimentary rocks were developed in the platform of the Nubian-Arabian shield thatextends in Turkey and in certain parts which were transformed in basins and continental environments of the same platform.According to paleocurrent data, the sediments were supplied roughly from the east-southeast regionduring the paleozoic period.