Facies and Environmental Aspects of the Fluviol Acuitrine Oligocene-Miocene Deposits in Çamardı (Niğde) Area
Abstract: In this study, Fluvio-lacustrine- sediments of Çamardı (Niğde) area are examined fordiscrimination of the faciès to assist for stratigraphie correlations in regional scale. The investigatedarea is situated in northern part of the Ecemiş Fault Zone of intermontane basın character which wasformed after retreating of the Lutetian sea from the region, Miocene sea transgression never reached tothe Çamardı area»Therefore, around Çamardı, Oligocène aged continental elastics, known as Çukurbağ formation andMiocene aged deposits which belong to the lacustrine-swamp environment of Burç formation were deter*,mined. Braided river and low sinuosity meandering river sub faciès were discriminated in Çukurbağformation, which overlies the Paleocene aged Karadağ spilite with a nonconformity, The lacustrinefaciès were developed towards the upper part of the Çukurbağ formation due to subsidence of the basincoinciding with the regional tectonics, Miocene aged Burç formation is mainly formed of lacustrine,swamp, delta and low sinuosity meandering liver deposits, from bottom te top. Its total thickness amounts to 270 meters.Since the Miocene, sea transgression did not reach to the Çamardı region, only Çamardı and Burçformations of fluvio-lacustrine and associated sub facias were deposited in northern part of the Ecemis Fault Zone.