Cultural Geology and Geological Heritage; new initiatives for earthsciences
Abstract: Rapid urbanization, increase in population and unemployment has a great effect on society and as aconsequence seems to have caused unawareness to earth sciences. However, increasing demand on waterand energy, natural disasters, climate changes and sustainable development still keeps humankind dependon nature. This discrepancy can be avoided by utilizing new initiatives in both education and applications to increase public attention to earth sciences. We hereby present Cultural Geology and Geological Heritageas new initiatives of earth sciences. Cultural Geology, aim to explain all natural phenomenon (such asclimate, geography, environment, landform, water and sea level changes and raw material sources) whichhave had effected human activity from the dawn of the species until recent. Briefly study the geologicalprocesses that drive the cultural development. It is proposed by Turkish Scientists, for the first time, as anew education and research topic. Geological Heritage, can be defined as artefacts of the evolution of theearth and a perfect example of geopark and geotourism applications, also can be regarded as valuableassets for nature protection and sustainable development. Turkey has a significant potential for bothCultural Geology and Geological Heritage.