The cultural and geological heritage sites within the Göllüdağ Volcanic Complex
Abstract: The morphology of Göllüdağ Volcanic Complex (Central Anatolia) and close surroundings has beenshaped with continuous volcanism from Miocene to Latest Pleistocene and following erosional processes.The site comprises numerous geosites formed of morphological elements (asidic domes, obsidian flow/dyke structures, scoria cones and maar) and also differentiated volcanic products (pyroclastites and lavaflows) which can be classified according to the framework list of Turkey. Göllüdağ has been subject todetailed geological investigation focusing on the properties of volcanism and also the chronology.Göllüdağ is also a well-known source of obsidian and was occupied by prehistoric activity.Göllüdağ obsidian had been widely exploited during Paleolithic and Neo-Chalcolithic for producingvarious chipped tools with increasing expertise. These tools were dispersed through the Middle Eastand Levant also even to the Cyprus especially during the Neo-Chalcolithic. Within the study area, a vastnumber of obsidian workshops accompany geological sites. For these reasons, Göllüdağ is protected asan archeological site of 1st and 3rd degrees, on the other hand, destruction related with the fast expansionand infrastructure construction within the recent settlements endanger these sites.In this study, we will focus on the relationships geological sites formed by volcanism and erosionalprocesses to reveal the significance of Göllüdağ as a geological/cultural heritage site and introducegeoroutes for recreational and scientific trips.