Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Geological-Geomorphological Elements of Başkale Region, Van

Abstract: Başkale region is located in the basin of Lake Van. The geology and geomorphology of the area are oneof the most important factors in controlling it settled in the region with many extinct civilization developerand ongoing activities of life. Advanced many different places as a result of geological processes inherited members can be apparent at Başkale Region. Some of these sites are formed by volcanic or tectonicprocesses where the most are of travertine formations. The fissure ridge and terrace type travertines areclearly observed in this region.Neogene-Quaternary volcanic rocks forming the Vanadocia Volcanic Complex (VVA) are locatedin the northeast of Başkale region. VVA is covers an area of 55 km2 and express a vast badland topographywith countless fairy chimneys.In this study, geology and stratigraphy within the Başkale region will be explained and relatedwith the geoheritage and cultural heritage sites of ancient civilizations.