Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Characteristics of the Tavşanlı-Bomame (Kütahya) volcanîcs and their slgniflcanc© in Western Anatolian Cenozoic volcanism

Abstract: The Tavşanlı-Domaniç volcanism started in the Middle-Late Miocene as the dacite-rhyolitetype. In the Pliocene these rocks are alternated with lavas of the- andésite and basaltic andésite typeAll the rocks are of sub-alkaline character; The volcanism developed in a subsided basin lake environment.Graben related young volcanism of Western Anatolia esentially belong to two groups, mantle originated and crustal originated. Volcanism here studied belong to the group of crustal origine.It is considered likely thut convection currents beneath the grabens have an effect on the formationof liquid from the continental crust. Convection currents lead to liquid formation by increasing iscnterms present in the continental crust.