Importance of Shoreline for the Belek Coast (Antalya, Turkey)
Abstract: Antalya coast, which is approximately 640 km long, has been one of the most important tourism areas inTurkey. The coastal area has been destroyed rapidly because of the construction. Belek coasts constitute a goodhabitat for flora and fauna types due to its micro climatic features that also give rise to a very attractive holidayand rest place. In addition Belek coast, were shaped with coastal dunes of about 29 km littoral area. Its quite richin natural life way and as a little living environment. With increase in tourism activity makes Belek coast to becomevery striking. According to coast law between shoreline and coastal edge is whats called a coast. Recently, to benefitmuch from coast area human origin has been intervened. In this type of area, redefining form another differentshoreline. The sea side of the shoreline primarily use by public not the private sector. For this reason, the areas inwhich the people can benefit from coastal regions are gradually diminishing. In this study; the area between Acısuand Akdeniz coast were studied and described as special coastline site).