Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Taxonomy and Distribution of Recent Benthic Foraminifera from Bir Ali Beach, Shabwah Governorate, Arabian Sea, Yemen

Abstract: One hundred and eleven benthic foraminiferal species belonging to 36 genera, 25 families,16 superfamilies and 4 suborders were identified from twenty samples collected from Bir Ali beach onthe Yemeni Arabian Sea coastline. The benthic foraminifera assemblages were dominated by speciesbelonging to Miliolina suborder with 71 species and 17 genera, followed by Rotaliina with 29 speciesand 14 genera, Textulariina 9 species and 3 genera and Lagenina 2 species and 2 genera. The distributionof recent shallow-water benthic foraminifera in surface sediment samples is in varians from sample toanother. Higher abundance of genus Quinqueloculina is recorded in almost all the samples of the studyarea. The recorded assemblages show a high similarity to the foraminiferal assemblages of the IndoPacific region, East African coast and Red Sea.