Investigation the Effects of Landforms and Lithological Factors on the Climate in Diyarbakir Basin Using MODIS Satellite Data
Abstract: One of the factors affecting the climate on the earth is the features of rocks and ground form. The shapeof the ground is an obstacle in front of the air masses and it is effective in the formation of condensation, aspectand Föhn. Lithological factors cause different rocks to have different zones of solar radiation due to their differentreflectances, thus different heating of different regions of the earth. In this study, remote sensing techniques anddata were used in Diyarbakır basin in order to determine the effect of such conditions on the climate. To obtainsurface temperature of the basin, day and night images for the date of 7 April 2010 (9:15 and 20:20 at local timerespectively) were obtained from TERRA-MODIS satellite. Using surface temperature data, surface temperaturemaps are created and surface networks are registered with the model. In addition, graphs of surface temperaturechanges were created both through day and night data along the section lines formed by considering dominant airmasses and different earth shapes. In addition, graphs of surface temperature changes were created both throughday and night data along the section lines formed by considering dominant air masses and different earth shapes.The results showed that along with lithological factors and dominant air masses; surface albedo of differentorographic features, as well as Föhn event cause different climatic condition in a short distance.