Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Permian and Carboniferous of Demirözü and Their Significance in the Regional Structure

Abstract: The «Permo carboniferrious of Demirözü» crops out north of Demirözü, about 35 kilometers west of Bayburt (Gümüşhane The .succession, Upper Gartroniferous-Lower Permian in age, is prominent for its coal lenses. The;"areap,"where this unit is exposed, is Characterised by E-W trending nu*merous thrust sheets dipping söûtn & The Carboniferous and the Permian are well exposed in two thrustsheets located south of «Bayîburt-Plain», fhe Carboniferous consists of. conglomerate, sandstone, orthoquartzite, carbonaceous shale and limestone arid ite base is not exposed in the northern slice. It is ona rnetomorphic basement. and grades iritö Permian consisting of conglomerate, sandstone, quartzite,siltstone and limestone. The Palaeozic is covered by the.overlapping Liassic consisting of conglomerate, sandtone, sandy &mestone and dolomitic limestone. J)pgger and Malm are represented by micrite with local chert intercalations. These grade in Lower Cretaceous units consisting of intercalated sandstones and calcarenitesthat are tectonically overlain by a` völcanö-şedinıentary sequence of Liassic-Upper Jurassic (?) age. Inthe third slice, the volcano-sedimentary" secjuence is unconformably underlain by metamorphic rocks.This volcano-sedimentary sequeabo  at the base, of conglomerates and plant bearing sandsto*nes. It grades in Upper .Jurassic cower Cretaceous limestones in the uppermost section.The metamorphic rocks and 4he overlying Per mo-Carboniferous are allochthonous in the investigated area. The thrust sheets comprising" slices of Upper Cretaceous sediments and ophiolites are presetved in front of north moving thrust sheets that are mutually covered by Eocene, suggesting the move*ments to. have occurred in the Upper* Çfeiade.ous-Eocene interval.