Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni

Presence of the Metavolcanics (Leptites) in the Region of Kiraz-Birgi (Ödemiş Menderes Massive)

Abstract: This investigation held in Ödemiş submassive has pointed out once more that the leptites have to be included in the general sequence of the Menderes Massive. These originally volcanic rocks which have the thickness ranging from 20-25 meters to a few kilometers are formed a guide horizon between schist and gneiss. Hard, unoriented and violet colored leptites contain pyroxene-rich old basic vein rocks.The studies of chemical analyses show that the original rocks of leptite are in the composition rhyolite-dasite, dominant calcalkaline generation, sialic in origine and metamörphic equivalent of island arc volcanites.